Monday 14 Jan
I went to class, yay! Second class period about The Scottish Enlightenment. We learned about Adam Smith and Philosophy. In our seminar (discussion) afterwards, the three of us from CNU got all fancy and were able to incorporate concepts we learned in Leadership! We told the others about the GLOBE study, and it fit perfectly with the concept that we were looking to - that is, how (if at all) does climate play a role in the development of different cultures? The GLOBE study, if I remember correctly, was looking to see if there were any universal traits that leaders share. So we were able to give a quick example of how different places shared some traits, but differed in others - concluding in the agreement that while climate plays a role, it certainly isn't the only factor involved.
Tuesday 15 Jan
I went to class again, yay! Today was the first class of Black and White Photography. We learned some basics about how to use the film cameras (since I've always been purely digital, this was all pretty new to me) and about the different settings we had to adjust since nothing is automatic. We were given a camera to take with us for the next week, with the task of taking an entire role of film (36 shots) by next class. I really enjoyed this (Unfortunately, my camera's battery died after my first eleven shots, so my instructor just had me go out back behind the building to snap the rest of the roll of film just so I could develop something. From the looks of the negatives, I actually like most of the photos so the battery wasn't too big a deal).
This is very similar to the camera I used:
Wednesday 16 Jan
I had my first Organic Chemistry Lab here on last Wednesday... I was terrified. Along with it being an entirely different setup, atmosphere, and level of difficulty, I unfortunately don't have a lab partner. The way lab works here is different - you only have to do 4 weeks worth of Lab, with each week consisting of two days in Lab. In addition, you can go on alternating weeks or every week for the first four to get it out of the way. I personally have to do alternating weeks because of other course conflicts, and there wasn't anyone else with that same situation, so I am all alone! Luckily, I consider myself rather friendly and was able to sort-of work with another pair that was doing the same experiment. Also, they have (extremely attractive) lab demonstrators that are usually post-graduate students available to help, so that certainly lessened my stress.
Thursday 17 Jan
Second day of Lab! I finished the experiment and got some help from one of the post-grad students on how to interpret the information, since the experiment was on spectroscopy and I have no experience in the area. I think the post-grad student was French, judging by his name, and he was SUPER helpful.
Also, for Lab here, we have to wear lab coats and safety specs. Not aprons and goggles, but a legitimate lab coat and cool glasses. Granted, the latter may not help in terms of splash-resistence, but Glasgow apparently isn't worried about that... I didn't take a picture in my lab coat, but I feel REALLY official wearing it, so I might go do that right now really quick so you can all see the awesome (albeit in a really awkward photo):
Yeah. I pretty much feel like I'm a mad scientist.
Friday 18 Jan
On Friday, I had an hour of Chemistry tutorial (smaller group where one of the professors breaks it down to make sure we all know what's happening), and then that was it! After my class, Sarah and I went and got our phone situation a little more figured out - I now have an actual cell phone here! Still don't quite understand the pricing of texting, but I'm working on it. It's good to have it for emergencies.
Saturday 19 Jan
On Saturday, Sarah and I went to the library with the intention of getting some reading done... We didn't really get much done, but hey. We tried. Besides, we really don't have all that much to do. It's a welcome change for us. But, we got some books we need for class, and I also got two books on (what else) Harry Potter. There were a lot of books that I encountered while I was at Oxford that I wanted to read, but just didn't have the time, so I found them here and now have two in my room that take a closer look at the series. I'm excited. Afterwards, Sarah and I made more pasta in my kitchen, where we were joined by some of my flatmates. We chatted for quite a while, and they had some advice for traveling, which is always welcome.
Sunday 20 Jan
Sarah and I decided to get some of our Photography assignment done on Sunday, so we bundled up and set out for Kelvingrove Park (about ten-fifteen minutes away walking). We spent about an hour there, and then started to walk the final fifteen minutes to get to city center to take a few more photos. However, we decided that we were freezing (not a whole lot of rapid movement when you're taking pictures like we were), so we headed back instead to bundle up.Monday 21 Jan
Similar to last Monday, except today I reached a dreaded moment in my spare time - the end of David Tennant's time on Doctor Who. If you don't watch the show, you probably won't really know why that' s important/painful, but, I'll summarize by saying that it was a very emotional night for me and my heart hurt by the end. I bid a tearful adieu to David Tennant and tried to open my heart to Matt Smith. I'm still working on it... Anyone that knows me knows that I get ridiculously attached to fictional characters, and this is no exception. Here is (a slightly traumatised) me watching the end of Tennant's time:
Tuesday 22 Jan
Black and White Photography day again! After making the 30 minute trek to class (this course is at the Glasgow School of Art, and thus isn't on main campus), Sarah and I got to learn how to develop film! We began the process and learned how to use the chemicals important to the process, and then developed the roll of film we had shot! We get to do more with it next week - right now all of the images are still on the original roll of film. We learn how to edit/print them next week.
Tuesday night was the really exciting time. My flatmate Maria told me about something called a Headphones Disco and one of the Student Unions here, and said that it's something everyone should experience at least once. So, off we went! The way it works, we found out, is that everyone gets a pair of wireless headphones. On said headphones there are two channels, which are being DJ'd on the stage. There is no music playing in the room, just in the headphones. They have disco/strobe/colored lights going crazy, and everyone is dancing and singing their hearts out to the songs that are being played. At any given moment, there are two different songs (and thus, people dancing to one of two different beats) playing, depending on if you are listening to channel A or B. It was so fun to take the headphones off every now and then and just hear people carelessly belting out what was playing. No one was ever really alone in their singing, because other people were listening to the same song, so everyone was carefree and seemed to be having a great time. It got a little crowded and Sarah and I only knew about half of the songs, but it was still an AMAZING experience and so much fun. They played a few songs back to back that were perfect for us (Aerosmith, All Time Low, Journey, etc. They even played the Time Warp at one point. That made my night) and we jammed out. I can't sing to save my life, but that didn't stop me. If they have another one, we are totally going again. Here's Sarah and I about half way through the party:
To end the night with a bang, the last song channel A played was called Doctorin' the Tardis. It took all of two seconds before Sarah and I were screaming our heads off in excitement. The song starts off sounding like the theme song of Doctor Who, and then they add a beat and some words and basically it's the best. Listen to it here if you wish, it's fabulous and I've had it stuck in my head since they played it.
Wednesday 23 Jan
Finally caught up!
Today, I was rudely awoken by a fire drill. I pulled on my CNU hoodie and converse over my pjs, and trekked outside to stand in the cold for twenty minutes before being let back in. BRRR. When I got back inside, I made some tea and crawled back into bed, and proceeded to sleep until noon. Well, sort of. I woke up every half hour or so but I didn't manage to get out of bed until noon. I went with Sarah and we paid Gary (from Student Tours Scotland) for an upcoming tour to Loch Lomond that we're going on, and then had lunch, and then went to class! After class, I put my pjs on and crawled into bed to finish up some logistical stuff, including finishing editing an essay for a Leadership essay contest, filling out and figuring out stuff for CNU's housing lottery (10 or 5 meal plan, ahh!), and then forcing myself to write this! Yay for productivity!
I don't have any classes tomorrow, so I'm going to talk to the International office to see if I can legally go to Ireland or not.. silly Visa confusion.
Now, I'm going to finish up my organic chemistry write up and eat some dinner!
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